BACKGROUND: The Rock Creek Road Improvement Project will improve the remaining unimproved ½ mile of Rock Creek Road from Grandview Avenue to 36th Avenue NW. The project is included in the City’s FYE 2014-2018 Capital Improvement Program. The project will enhance the existing roadway, improve the storm water system, provide ADA compliant sidewalks, construct on-street bike lanes and provide improvements to the Grandview Avenue intersection. There has been significant development in the area which has generated the need for the improvements. Rock Creek Road currently carries 3,800 vehicles per day and an abundance of pedestrians and bicycle traffic.
DISCUSSION: Development has encompassed much of the frontage along Rock Creek Road west of 36th Avenue NW which, in turn, has generated an increase in all types of traffic. With these increases comes the need to improve the transportation facilities. On May 13, 2014, Council approved the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) which provides guidelines for the improvements to the transportation system in the City of Norman. The CTP recommends that Rock Creek Road from 36th Avenue to Grandview Avenue be widened from two lanes to three lanes with a center turn lane, 5-foot bike lanes on either side of Rock Creek Road and 8-foot sidewalks to connect to Legacy Trail at 36th Avenue NW. The CTP recommends a “road diet” for Rock Creek Road, west of Grandview Avenue, to mirror the reconstruction between Grandview Avenue and 36th Avenue NW with two lanes, a center turn lane and 5-foot on-street bike lanes. The above recommendations from the CTP will be further evaluated as a part of this proposed engineering contract.
Currently, the intersection of Grandview Avenue and Rock Creek Road is controlled by a three-way stop sign. The three-way stop is necessary because of a sight distance problem west of Grandview Avenue caused by a steep roadway grade west of Grandview Avenue and a fence placed close to the road. As a part of the design, the consultant will perform a feasibility study to determine what improvements can be made to improve the sight distance and provide drivers with free flow movements along Rock Creek Road.
The Public Works Department prepared a request for proposals (RFP) to solicit the engineering services necessary to prepare plans, specifications and bid package, and to provide technical assistance throughout the design and construction of the Rock Creek Road Widening Project. Sixteen (16) proposals were received for the project. The Selection Committee included three (3) staff members consisting of John Clink, Capital Projects Manager; Angelo Lombardo, Transportation Engineer; Josh Malwick, Capital Projects Engineer and two (2) private citizens including Don Carter, University of Oklahoma Facilities Maintenance; and Evan Nixon, President of The Cies Companies. The Selection Committee members independently scored each proposal on a point scale as defined in the request for proposal. Upon review of the proposals by the Selection Committee, five (5) firms were selected for interviews. The proposal by Freese and Nichols, Inc. of Fort Worth, Texas was selected for the project.
The attached engineering design services contract is written in a “Cost Not to Exceed” format in the amount of $203,400. If approved, only the City Council has authority to amend the contract in the future including any changes to the compensation. The contract services include:
• Surveying
• Geotechnical Study
• Feasibility Study
• Hydraulic Study and Drainage Design
• Preliminary Design
• Final Design
• Public Meetings and Project Team Meetings
• As-Built Drawings
Funds are available in the project design account (Account No. 050-9552-431.62-01, Project No. TR0094), contingent upon the approval of the appropriation of the deferral funds deposited by the Brookhaven 41, CP Land and The Falls at Brookhaven developments.
If approved, the design services for this project will be substantially completed by April, 2015. City staff is pursuing funding opportunities for the construction cost of the project including ACOG funding, contributions from adjacent undeveloped properties and other grants for traffic safety improvements. The timeline for construction of Rock Creek Road will depend upon the availability of funds.
Interim solutions to the Rock Creek Road corridor are also proposed as part of this process to provide citizens with improved transportation facilities until the final roadway design and construction is complete. A sidewalk will be added on the north side of the roadway and repairs will be completed to the existing pavement later in 2014.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Contract No. K-1314-127, between the City of Norman and Freese and Nichols, Inc. in the amount of $203,400 for the design of the Rock Creek Road Widening Project - Grandview Avenue to 36th Avenue NW.