BACKGROUND: This item is a preliminary plat for St. Thomas More Church Addition, Section 2. This property is located east of Jenkins Avenue and south of Stinson Street and consists of approximately 3 acres and five (5) lots that will serve the church.
City Council, at its meeting of December 14, 1999, adopted Ordinance No. O-9900-23 placing a portion of this property in R-1, Single Family Dwelling District with Special Use for a Church.
Since that time the church has purchased two additional properties.
Planning Commission, at its meeting of May 8, 2014, recommended to City Council that the NORMAN 2025 Land Use and Transportation Plan be amended from Low Density Residential Designation to Institutional Designation on a portion of the property. At its same meeting, Planning Commission recommended to City Council that a portion of this property be placed in the R-1, Single Family Dwelling District and R-3, Multi-Family Dwelling District with Special Use for a Church, Temple or Other Place of Worship. Also, Planning Commission recommended to City Council the approval of the preliminary plat for St. Thomas More Church Addition, Section 2.
DISCUSSION: The existing Church at the southeast corner of the intersection of Jenkins Avenue and Stinson Street is undergoing an interior remodel for one of the buildings on its property. In addition, the Church is seeking to rezone a portion of the property. The use of the buildings on the portion of the site to be rezoned will remain unchanged. The only work being done on the site is involved with the interior remodel. As such, no new traffic will be added to the surrounding street system as the size of the developed area will remain unchanged. (See Attachment A - Traffic Control Table for St. Thomas More Church Addition, Section 2)
The developer’s traffic engineer submitted a letter stipulating that no new development will occur on the site and that trip generation for the post-construction phase will be the same as the pre-construction phase. The traffic capacities on the affected roadways exceed the demand for existing and proposed trips as a result of this development. No negative traffic impacts are anticipated.
Public improvements for this property consist of the following:
Fire Hydrants. A fire hydrant will be installed in accordance with approved plans. Its location has been approved by the Fire Department.
Sidewalks. Sidewalks will be constructed adjacent to Lincoln Avenue. There are existing sidewalks adjacent to Jenkins Avenue and Stinson Street.
Streets. Jenkins Avenue will be widened to an arterial street standard. Stinson Street and Lincoln Avenue are existing.
Water Mains. There are existing water mains. However, an existing six-inch (6”) water line adjacent to Jenkins Avenue will be replaced with a twelve-inch (12”) water line.
Public Dedications. Required right-of-way and easements will be dedicated with the final plat.
RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the above information, staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat for St. Thomas More Church Addition, Section 2, subject to City Council’s approval of Resolution No. R-1314-124 and Ordinance No. O-1314-49.