BACKGROUND: This item is a preliminary plat for Montoro Ridge Addition, a Planned Unit Development, which is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of 12th Avenue N. E. and East Tecumseh Road.
Planning Commission, at its meeting of February 13, 2014, recommended to City Council that the NORMAN 2025 Land Use and Transportation Plan be amended from Medium Density Residential Designation, High Density Residential Designation, and Commercial Designation to Low Density Residential Designation and Commercial Designation be approved.
Planning Commission, at its meeting of February 13, 2014, recommended to City Council that a portion of this property be placed in the PUD, Planned Unit Development District, and removed from R-1, Single Family Dwelling District; RM-2, Low Density Apartment District; RM-6, Medium Apartment District; PL, Parkland; and C-1, Local Commercial District and expand the C-1, Local Commercial District with Permissive Use for a building in excess of 35,000 gross square feet and fuel service station and remove it from RM-2, Low Density Apartment District, and RM-6, Medium Density Apartment District, and expand the A-2, Rural Agricultural District, and remove it from R-1, Single Family Dwelling District. Also, Planning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary plat for Montoro Ridge Addition, a Planned Unit Development.
DISCUSSION: The 67-lot single family residential subdivision in this preliminary plat is expected to generate approximately 726 trips per day and 73 trips during the PM peak hour. The traffic capacity on the affected roadways exceeds the demand for existing and proposed trips as a result of this development. No negative traffic impacts are anticipated on these facilities. (Please see attached table)
Because of the development's size and traffic generation potential, the applicant was not required to conduct a comprehensive traffic impact analysis. Instead, a letter from Traffic Engineering Consultants was submitted in September, 2013, outlining the trip generation potential for the proposed development.
The proposed development will access Tecumseh Road opposite Prescott Drive. A traffic impact fee was previously established for the Red Canyon Ranch development to pay for improvements to widen Tecumseh Road and to signalize the Tecumseh Road intersection with Prescott Road. These fees were determined to be $47.90 per daily trip generated. The Montero Ridge development is assessed the same impact fees. The 67 lots shown on the Site Development Plan will generate 726 daily trips for a total of $34,775.40 in traffic impact fees to be paid with the filing of the Final Plat.
Public improvements for this property consist of the following:
Fencing. Fencing (screening) will be installed for those lots backing or siding East Tecumseh Road and 12th Avenue N.E.
Fire Protection. Fire hydrants will be installed in accordance with approved plans. Their locations have been approved by the Fire Department.
Sanitary Sewers. Sanitary sewer mains will be installed in accordance with approved plans and City and Department of Environmental Quality standards.
Sidewalks. Sidewalks will be constructed on each lot prior to occupancy. A five-foot (5') wide sidewalk will be installed adjacent to 12th Avenue N.E. and a five-foot (5') wide sidewalk will be installed adjacent to East Tecumseh Road. However, if it is installed adjacent to the street curb an additional foot will be added.
Storm Sewers. Storm sewers and appurtenant drainage structures will be installed in accordance with approved plans and City drainage standards. Storm sewers will be constructed to drain streets and lots. Privately maintained detention facilities will be constructed for the conveyance of storm water.
Streets. Streets will be constructed in accordance with approved plans and City paving standards. It should be noted within the Planned Unit Development, the streets are proposed as RE, Residential Estates, type streets without curb and gutter. The developer is attempting to create somewhat of a rural/country setting. With the proposed Norman Public School site, sidewalks will be required; however, they may not be located within their standard location. Twelfth Avenue N.E. and East Tecumseh Road are existing. However, a signalized intersection is proposed in the future with this development and Red Canyon Ranch located to the north. The developer will contribute $34,775.40 in traffic impact fees.
Water Mains. Water mains will be installed in accordance with approved plans and City and Department of Environmental Quality standards. There is an existing 24" water main adjacent to East Tecumseh Road, a 12" water main adjacent to 12th Avenue N.E. and a connection to an existing 8" main located in The Vineyard Phase III Addition.
WQPZ. This property contains the Water Quality Protection Zone encompassing a tributary to Little River. The engineer for the developer has submitted an engineered solution to reduce the area of the WQPZ. Covenants will be required for the maintenance and protection of the WQPZ upon the submittal of a final plat that contains the WQPZ.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval of the preliminary plat for Montoro Ridge Addition, a Planned Unit Development subject to approval of Resolution No. R-1314-46 and Ordinance No. O-1314-21.